Fluid Hemispheres, New York- 2000
Apoptosis (/ˌæpəˈtoʊsɪs/; from Ancient Greek) is the process of programmed cell death that may occur in multicellular organisms.
The work of artists such as Alexander Calder and Medaro Rosso inspired much of Sesti’s early work and his initial fascination with suspension. This combined with the need to break away from static artworks led him to experiment with fluids in suspended forms, exploring how one could push materials to their limits and visualise the full extent of their power.
Using lycra and setting liquids such as plaster to create solid forms, resulting in reliefs of organic shapes. In artworks such as Octagon Blue (1999),plaster was poured into lycra allowing for it to stretch and expand naturally in suspension. This would distort into hanging shapes that had a sort of peculiar beauty; with their combination of solid hard mass and suspended elegance.
The works Fluid Hemisphere (2000) and Apoptosis (2000) were manifestations of this new captivation, and a will to create an impermanent piece. Suspending lycra from the ceilings of gallery spaces and pouring 200 Litres of water into the hanging forms, embracing the destructive chaos and making it the focus of the artwork.
In spite of their inherent state of precariousness and tension , the piece transmits a quality of peace and elegance. This was the trigger for the use of water to interpret motion and the power of optical fluid and their unpredictability in Sesti’s work.